Pretty Little Liars
I've only just started watching this, think it was a couple of days ago but i'm already so hooked! I'm halfway through the first season and I literally cannot stop wondering who 'A' is! It's quite scary at times and so many different things happen in one episode, I just have to watch another straight after. I think i've watched about 6 today! It's basically about the four girls shown and their friend was murdered and they're trying to figure out who did it. And at the same time (the main plot) an anonymous person, 'A', is texting/emailing/writing them with all their secrets and making them do things. It's weird because 'A' knows everything that only their dead friend could know.... I can't wait to find out who it is, except there's like 4 seasons.
I've been watching this since it first came to the UK, I got hooked after the first episode and watched the whole series online and then started to watch the second. The only annoying this is that its airing in America so I have to wait ages for the next episode, so I don't feel as interested in it anymore! It's about halfway through the second seasons and after last episode I feel like Emily is back on track seeking revenge on those who killed/framed her father. I pretty much know the story back to front and it is so addictive. Definitely deserves more credit for what it is!
I'm not as hooked on this as the previous two, however it is along the same lines as those, with all the mystery etc. I've only watched a few episodes because Pretty little liars has taken over, but it's about the mystery of this girls death and her friend (a cop) has gone undercover in the family to find out who did it! I can't see it lasting very long series wise but it's still good and something to watch to break everything else up a bit :-)
Sex and the City
Every single girl should be watching these episodes. I bought the entire box set a couple of weeks ago and I watch a few in bed at night, they're so good! The first season is in the 90's so its pretty old school but still so relevant and just good to watch if you're single/a girl basically. The episodes don't follow on from one another, but they have storylines which flow through, like Carrie and Big... which everybody probably knows from the films! But it's such a feel good show to watch, and not so serious like the others :-)
I feel like a woman,